Endigo Design Let's Talk

Portfolio Game

Portfolio Game Launch →

In a previous iteration of this portfolio website, I introduced a game-like experience. The aesthetic was inspired by my favorite video games such as Heart Machine’s Hyper Light Drifter. This project paired SvelteKit, Tailwind, and Skeleton. It also made heavy use of PixiJS to handle the visual and interactive aspects of Canvas and WebGL. Each pixel and sprite was hand drawn using Aseprite, and the overworld generated using Tiled. You could optionally enable music, which used a sound system powered by Howler.js. I covered the creation of the site in this blog post, and you may find the source code here.

Inspired by Zelda Inspired by Zelda
Inspired by Elden Ring Inspired by Elden Ring
Inspired by Hyper Light Drifter Inspired by Hyper Light Drifter
Inspired by Hyper Light Drifter Inspired by Hyper Light Drifter
Project pages appeared in a modal overlay Project pages appeared in a modal overlay
And interactive map view And interactive map view
GitHub Source